30 Day Challenge – Day (15) 16
Day 15, “Commit to a change in your environment.” Working on it. Getting a big mirror out of the basement for reference. Money’s tight, so no boxwoods or sculpting hot box at the moment, but I can make a space for that eventually. The mirror will help right now and I have one.
Day 16, “Non-sense starters.” Stream of Consciousness, writing starters. Pattern creation out of mental chaos.
Mother, brother, father, pancakes, wife, tree, fish, river, babble, whitecap, hum, cardinal, red, automobile, pavement, darkness, silence, wild, fresh, fun, euns, lapgwend, asoiod, pressure, a, cat, watching, waiting, ignoring, runt, ripe, rip, rot, pebble, pond, Michael, Ike, K, am, was, we, were, won’t, want, west, alteration, consonance, repeat, tick, tap, tock, pin, pint, pith, cod, can, eve, poke, fry, query.
Year, day, second, third, eight, one, won, wind, why, over, Anna, who? There. Can, my, help. No. Lone. Maybe, grass, smoke, blunt, not, likely. Family, old, times, memories. Loft, love, heart, beating. Decades. “Sophistication.” American Literature. Garneau. Witch, shrew, harridan. Hard ass. Lazy, scared. Lonely. Alone. Happy. Distractions. Inner. Walk. Where? Inner. Down, walk down. Steps. Rock. Wet. Walls. Passages. Underworld. Drums. Cracked. Damp. Spray. Light. Surf. Rocks. Cliffs. Sun. Sand. Distance. Lost. No. Forgetful. Dreaming.
Dance. Dress, red, green, fabric, light, crumpled, blowing. Swing. Leg. Tan. Curly. Ludington. Dunes. Name? Not. Rose. Father. Hickey. Second. Accident. Stupid. Lonely. Didn’t care. Girls, not, picky. Craving, affection. Need. Hunger. Override. Want. Not. Stronger. Ache. Memory. Heart break. Ripe. Fruit. Cracked. Shell. Juice. Leaking. Sticky. Palms. Devour. “Eat the Music.”