
30 Day Challenge – Days 17 & 18

Link to tracking sheet. Had issues with this one. The assignment was to track 15 minute increments, but I found that: 1. I tend to forget to reset the timer after an entry, and 2. if I’m not at a computer, it’s hard to be “exact” about things. So I need to improve on keeping myself accountable and make that part of the “job”. I’ll research apps; maybe there’s some sort of reminder/nag app that can help keep me on target. Sketching out my day though, I can do fairly easily.

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30 Day Challenge – Day (15) 16

Day 15, “Commit to a change in your environment.” Working on it. Getting a big mirror out of the basement for reference. Money’s tight, so no boxwoods or sculpting hot box at the moment, but I can make a space for that eventually. The mirror will help right now and I have one.

Day 16, “Non-sense starters.” Stream of Consciousness, writing starters. Pattern creation out of mental chaos.

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