“Oxygen”. Today’s assignment back to beliefs and how they, together with fuel, feed the fire of artistic creation. We’re to come up with one example where we exceeded our own expectations of our abilities. The first thing that popped to mind for me was musical composition back in college. Item of note, I was not a music major. My musical knowledge to this day would be at best called rudimentary. I don’t play. That said, I took Piano, Music Theory and Composition as electives while I was at Kalamazoo College. “WTF?!” Yes.
Day 12, “Environment,” so this is my space. It’s pretty humble. These days pretty much all of my work is on the computer. Been years since I’ve been at an easel or had a set of box woods in my hand. Should really fix that, now that I have the time during the day. My “mess” is quite limited in comparison to Mr. Bacon (Francis Bacon’s studio was the subject of the environment lecture). I’ve never been that chaotic in my inner thinking our outer space.
Combining these two, because they’re kind of intrinsically related and the actually assignments for them are a bit muddled. Day 10’s was “Spark, finding inspiration.” Basically it just called on us to find something that interested us, made us curious. Of course, I totally hit the wall there, because my interests are so varied, I’m like that damn dog from “Up”… “Squirrel!” Day 11’s was “Fuel, finding what to feed that inspiration.” The assignment was to get up and find material that can get translated by the “spark” into fire. I broke the rules and jumped ahead going out for a walk, getting away from the computer, and trying to get some quiet.
“Why are you not currently doing what you dream to be doing, or in other words, what are your excuses?” Day’s assignment is to list the things that are holding me back, or that I think are holding me back.
“Who is…?” Stream of consciousness assignment. Whatever comes to mind. Start with “Who is <yourname>?” and just ramble. After that “What are <yourname>’s dreams?” Ouch.