2016 Reel Done!

Been busy the last couple months, and so I’ve not been taking the time to keep up on blogging. Just finished putting the final touches on my 2016 Demo Reel, after completing the Creature Locomotion master’s course at Animation Mentor. Our instructor, Nicole Herr, pushed us hard and I think the work turned out well. Hopefully, employers will agree and I’ll be able to find footing somewhere soon. Special thanks go out to the folks at AM and the selection panel at the Arts Council in Kalamazoo for the MCACA Mini-grant. I couldn’t have done this work without all three organizations’ help.

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30 Day Challenge – Days 17 & 18

Link to tracking sheet. Had issues with this one. The assignment was to track 15 minute increments, but I found that: 1. I tend to forget to reset the timer after an entry, and 2. if I’m not at a computer, it’s hard to be “exact” about things. So I need to improve on keeping myself accountable and make that part of the “job”. I’ll research apps; maybe there’s some sort of reminder/nag app that can help keep me on target. Sketching out my day though, I can do fairly easily.

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